Typhoon Hayan

By Notícias Comentários fechados em Typhoon Hayan

Typhoon Hayan

You will have seen the desperate news coming out of the Philippines in the aftermath of the devastating typhoon late last week. While precise reports are always difficult to obtain immediately following such events, reliable accounts place the loss in the thousands of lives. We know from experience that many multiples of that will have been displaced. We have been in communication with our members in the Philippines and they are attempting to assess the situation under very difficult circumstances.

The International Co-operative Alliance has in recent years served as a channel for donations from our members who wish to provide support for the recovery effort from such terrible events. We did so for the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the 2011 Japanese tsunami, for example. We are now establishing a Recovery Fund that can be used for Typhoon Haiyan response.

You will see many other appeals for funds for relief from this disaster and you may well have your preferred charities to support. We encourage you to continue that support for trusted relief efforts.

The focus of the Alliance Recovery Fund will be different — on co-operative redevelopment. We know that the attention will leave the Philippines at some point in the coming weeks. When that happens, there will still be years of recovery needed. Our intent is to ensure that the recovery can continue when the cameras have left and no-one is watching.

Our focus will also be on the recovery of co-operative organisations and on redevelopment efforts that employ the co-operative model in rebuilding local livelihoods and housing.

If you would like to support disaster recovery efforts, you may send your donations to the International Co-operative Alliance: Beneficiary: Alliance Coopérative Internationale

Bank: KBC
Account number: 734-0382579-20
IBAN: BE28 7340 3825 7920
Thank you for your concern and your assistance. Our colleagues in the Philippines will be very appreciative.
Co-operatively yours

Pauline Green
International Co-operative Alliance

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