2nd European Award for Social Entrepreneurship and Disability – Communication Toolkit

By Notícias Comentários fechados em 2nd European Award for Social Entrepreneurship and Disability – Communication Toolkit

2nd European Award for Social Entrepreneurship and Disability – Communication Toolkit

On behalf of the European Network for CSR and Disability (CSR+D Network), initiative led by Fundación ONCE and co-funded by the European Social Fund, regarding the launch of the 2nd European Award for Social Entrepreneurship and Disability: Promoting Social Investment:
The aim of this Award is to reward and boost projects that promote innovation and social cohesion, integrating disabi­lity in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Disseminate this Award to your members, networks, social entrepreneurs and other stakeholders, through your usual communication channels. Also if you are aware of any project or social entrepreneur that might be interested in participating, please do not hesitate to forward this information to them.

We have prepared the Award Communication Toolkit, with the following communication tools:

– Infographic in PDF format to be sent to your contacts by mail or printed.

– Logo of the Award.

– Newsletter text proposal (5 languages) in case you want to make a reference of the Award in your Newsletter. 

– Twitter account, we invite you to follow the Award news through our Twitter account @csrd_eu using the hashtag #SEDaward

We have also created a specific area in our website (http://www.csr-d.eu/social-entrepreneurship-and-disability-award/).

We would like to emphasize that all the tools are fully accessible. Please, note that applications can be submitted from 28th October until 12 December 2014.


Communication tools


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