Step it Up on Women’s Day 2016

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Step it Up on Women’s Day 2016

On the occasion of Women’s Day 2016 video address of the Alliance’s President, Ms. Monique Leroux, and the declaration of the chair of the Alliance’s Gender Equality Committee, Mrs. María Eugenia Pérez Zea.

Work is central to the idea of Women’s Day- which was originally called “International Working Women’s Day”.

Co-operatives provide women with a workplace to develop their potential, a place where their participation is warranted by the co-operative values and principles. Co-operatives are a powerful lever to create equal opportunities, because they are based on self help, participation, education and inclusion.

The theme of 2016 Women’s Day, is “Step it up for gender equality”. The theme recalls the United Nations’ Planet 50/50 program for gender equality. It is a call on citizens and governments, to step it up, and take action!

Visit the United Nations’ Planet 50/50 web page now, and find out about the program and how you can participate!

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