Workhsop – Pitch like a professional

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Workhsop – Pitch like a professional | 19 março, 18h30 | Startup Lisboa


Startup Pitch Bootcamp
Organização: The Founder Institute

19 Março | 18h30
Startup Lisboa
(Rua da Prata, 80, 1.º piso)

Entrada livre (sujeita à limitação do espaço)
Inscrição obrigatória |
Pitch like a professional

Pitching is a key skill of every successful entrepreneur.
How do you communicate your business clearly to employees, customers, and investors?
What are some common pitching mistakes that make you look inexperienced?
What is the best way to pitch your business?
If you have a strong idea that could be pitched more clearly, then join us for the Startup Pitch Bootcamp of the Founder Institute.
In just two hours, this intensive workshop will help you improve your pitching skills.

Ana Santiago
Rua da Prata,80
1100-420 Lisboa

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